First Public Paper about Skoltech Translational Research and Innovation Program in Triple Helix Association Magazine

First page of the published paper

First page of the published paper

Dear colleagues,

We are happy to inform you that Triple Helix Association Magazine* published first public paper about Skoltech Translational Research and Innovation Program. The paper describes CEI team experience from an attempt to establish the proof of concept approach in a Russian University environment. Authors (Dmitry Pebalk, Igor Seleznev, Ilia Dubinsky) perform general analysis of translational research and activities of the leading proof of concept centers, explain the development of innovation support program at Skoltech. Special emphasis is put on the program structure, selection process, evaluation criteria, mentorship, and other related questions. The influence of several key aspects including project challenges, supporting infrastructure and innovation ecosystem on the proof of concept outcomes is considered.

We welcome everyone to read the paper at the following link.

 *Triple Helix Association Magazine publishes articles dealing with aspects of the interaction between academy-industry-government (Triple Helix) for fostering research, innovation, economic competitiveness and growth.